Thomas Gurry

Thomas Gurry

Company: Myota Limited

Job title: Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Leveraging the Benefits of Dietary Fibre for Cost Effective Treatment & Prevention in Type-2 Diabetes 11:00 am

Discussing how Myota has leveraged the two main mechanisms of action, namely post-prandial glycaemic response regulation and Short Chain Fatty Acid production by the gut microbiome, to develop precision fibre blends aimed at treating and prevent Type-2 Diabetes Outlining the clinical trials currently underway for testing these blends in diabetic populationsRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Panel Discussion: Personalized Nutrition – A Future Outlook for the Supplement Market? 4:20 pm

Appreciating the disparity in individual responses to dietary and supplement inputs to the human gut microbiome Exploring personalized nutrition strategies Outlining where these strategies could have most impact: metabolic disorders, immune disease and cancerRead more

day: Conference Day One

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